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Lake Shoes was born in 1995 to cover the manufacturing demand for autoclave and vulcanized footwear, very limited until then in Spain. A starting point that has defined our trajectory and has become a key element of our success in the haute couture catwalks. From our beginnings, we work with internationally renowned firms. Its prestige has broadened our professional requirements, satisfying needs of a clientele of indisputable excellence for more than 20 years.

With more than 2,000 m2 and a professional and permanent staff of 50 people, our facilities in Crevillente (Alicante) integrate with perfection and fidelity handmade and traditional techniques with the highest technology and innovation. Union that positions our family or artisan shoemakers, generation after generation, in reference of the Spanish vulcanized systems that, with care and detail, provide the highest quality to exclusive and original designs.

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